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Devart dbFusion for SQL Server (Visual Studio Plugin for SQL Server)

: 原创作品 木魚 7634℃ 13评论

dbForge Fusion for SQL Server is a powerful Visual Studio plugin designed to simplify SQL database development and enhance data management capabilities.

dbForge Fusion for SQL Server 是一个设计用于简化SQL数据库开发和增强管理能力的VS插件。

When you integrate dbForge Fusion for SQL Server into Microsoft Visual Studio, all database development and administration tasks become available from your IDE. It provides an easier way to explore and maintain existing databases, design compound SQL statements and queries, and manipulate data in different ways.

当你在VS中使用dbForge Fusion for SQL Server的时候,所有的数据库开发和管理任务均可以直接通过IDE直接完成。它为你提供查看现有数据库、设计查询以及获得数据更简单的方式。

官方主页 试用版安装包





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  1. Need the password to patch.

    泡泡2020-05-18 09:27 回复
  2. Need the password to patch.

    SonicGear2019-12-23 11:11 回复
  3. Thanks for this one. Even it outdated, but still can be use with 2017.

    Manover2019-12-23 10:56 回复
  4. Thank you very match

    boodyman2019-10-13 02:10 回复
  5. thank you very match sir… but password ?

    kaangrott2018-03-05 22:54 回复
    • Visiable after reply. But this is an old version and I not update it since this version.

      木魚2018-03-06 10:07 回复
  6. thank you very much

    vikingfan2017-11-24 03:09 回复
  7. There are a patch for the new version 1.9.20? :)))

    hanc2016-12-06 09:56 回复
    • later 🙂

      木魚2016-12-07 00:55 回复
      • I cannot find version online. Only the new version available for download 🙁 waiting for good news! Thank you

        HANC2016-12-09 08:58 回复
  8. 2015年9月16日16:28:11 已更新补丁包,如果之前版本遇到了使用过期提示,请重新下载。

    木魚2015-09-16 16:28 回复
    • 有个问题,不知道是个案还是bug

      Snail2015-09-16 22:11 回复