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Scitech .Net Memory Profiler 5.6.53 无限试用

: 开发工具 木魚 36022℃ 233评论

Scitech .Net Memory Profiler 5.6.53

Scitech .Net Memory Profiler 是一个用于.NET平台的内存使用分析软件。

In-depth .NET Memory Profiling
Find Memory Leaks and Optimize Memory Usage in any .NET Program

.NET Memory Profiler is a powerful tool for finding memory leaks and optimizing the memory usage in programs written in C#, VB.NET or any other .NET Language. With the help of the profiling guides, the automatic memory analyzer, and specialized trackers, you can make sure that your program has no memory or resource leaks, and that the memory usage is as optimal as possible.

Find memory leaks
Find memory leaks Easily identify memory leaks by collecting and comparing snapshots of .NET memory usage. A profiling guide is available to give you tips on how to detect memory leaks.

Reduce resource usage
Reduce resource usage Native resources are used in a managed .NET program as well. .NET Memory Profiler will help you make sure that there are no resource leaks and that resources are released as quickly as possible.

Make your programs run faster
Make your programs run faster Excessive memory and resource usage, excessive allocations, and bad allocation patterns, will negatively affect the performance of your program. .NET Memory Profiler will provide you with the information you need to optimize memory and resource usage.

Investigate memory problems in production code
Investigate memory problems in production code Have you ever tried debugging a production code memory issue using WinDbg and SOS? With the new NmpCore tool, what used to take hours can now be done in minutes.

Automate memory testing
Use the .NET Memory Profiler API to automatically detect memory leaks and control the profiler from within the profiled program.

Improve your debugging experience
.NET Memory Profiler is fully integrated with Visual Studio. Investigate memory usage directly from the development enviroment and get detailed memory information while debugging.



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  40. MJJA2021-02-08 14:32 回复
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