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: 信手拈来 木魚 2856℃ 8评论




greatness as you
smallest as me
you show me what is deep as sea
a little love,little kiss
a litlle hug,little gift
all of little something.these are our memories
you make me cry
make me smile
make me feel that love is true
you always stand by my side
i don't want to say goodbye
you make me cry
make me smile
make me feel the joy of love
oh kissing you
thank you for all the love you always give to me
oh i love you
greatness as you
smallest as me
you show me what is deep as sea
a little love,little kiss
a litlle hug,little gift
all of little something.these are our memories
you make me cry
make me smile
make me feel that love is true
you always stand by my side
i don't want to say goodbye
you make me cry
make me smile
make me feel the joy of love
oh kissing you
thank you for all the love you always give to me
oh i love you
yes I do

I always do
make me cry
make me smile
make me feel that love is true
you always stand by my side
I don't want to say goodbye
you make me cry
make me smile
make me feel the joy of love
oh kissing you
thank you for all the love you always give to me
oh i love you
to be with you, oh i love you

本日志备份自 QQ 空间,原文地址:http://user.qzone.qq.com/286495995/blog/1231345131

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  1. 哈哈,幽默。

    银杏儿2009-01-08 08:37 回复
    • [em]e161[/em]早饭

      木魚2009-01-08 08:45 回复
    • 我出去一下,谢谢你为我的早饭增添的调味剂。。

      银杏儿2009-01-08 08:46 回复
    • 邀请你到我空间弹弹钢琴也不错的哈。。

      银杏儿2009-01-08 08:47 回复
    • 话说那钢琴我老早发给过你的…你居然给无视了.于是看到钢琴郁闷的我想打人…

      木魚2009-01-08 08:49 回复
    • 啊哈哈,现在弹弹也不晚哈

      银杏儿2009-01-08 08:50 回复
  2. 嘿嘿

    彭世兴2009-01-08 03:22 回复